* [下单后,请在3天付款,方便我整理. 如果是在的截止日期当天下单, 请于当天内付完款全额]
  Payments must be received after you have confirmed your order. If you make the order on the date closed, please do clear the payment on the day, thanks ya!

* [如果3天后还没收到汇款,所订的货自动取消] 
  If there is no answer within 3 days, orders will be automatically cancelled.

* [预购后大约2-3星期才可以收到货品, 请大家耐心的等待~!!

  Under normal circumstances, you will get your items after 2-3 weeks the shipment of pre-order has been done. I do apologise for it in advance but if it happens I'll personally keep you posted about it.

* [现购的在付款后的2-3天就可以收货了
  Under normal circumstances, you will get your items after 2-3 days you have paid for ready stock. I do apologise for it in advance but if it happens I'll personally keep you posted about it.

* [汇款方式:]
  Payment will be made through bank transfers to my Public Bank/ Maybank account. Account number will be provided upon confirmation of order.

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